Blue Resonator

Active Resonators

+ Inspired by Delta Blues Guitars
+ Patented Resonance Disc
+ Artist/World Heritage Editions
+ Awarded Industrial Design
+Bespoke Design Order

Sione Kyoto Shop
Signature RS600
The patent-pending Resonance (Reverb) Disc is a revolutionary design in sound engineering
HK Philharmonic Charity
Design Trust Gala
BODW City Program
Pongyu Wai K11 Art Foundation


Design Awards

2015, Best LifeStyle Product, A&D Trophy Award, HK/CHINA
2016, Honourable Mention, IDA, CAL/USA
2018, Bronze Award, HKDA GDA, HK/CHINA
2020, Grand Prize, GBA Cultural Creativity Award, ZHUHAI/CHINA

2021, Silver Award, The 4th china China Ceramic Art Design, JINDEZHEN/CHINA
2021, Award Nomination, Duet – Goldreed Industrial Design Award, HEBEI/CHINA
2021, Honourable Mention, Design Intelligence Award (DIA), HANGZHOU/CHINA
2021, Bronze, Duet –  Product Design, HKDA GDA, HK/CHINA
2021, Bronze, Resonantor 600 – Product- Commercial, HKDA GDA, HK/CHINA
2021, Excellence Award, Photography – Graphics – HKDA GDA, HK/CHINA
2021, Excellence Award, Logo-Visual Identity System- Graphics, HKDA GDA, HK/CHINA
2021, Excellence Award, Duet Resonators Gold – Lifestyle HKDA GDA, HK/CHINA

2022, Silver, Hong Kong Smart Design Awards – Home and Houseware, HK/CHINA
2022, Merit Award, DFA Design for Asia Awards, HK/CHINA

Delta Blues Audio Limited
Room 1104 Crawford House
70 Queen’s Road Central HK
tel: 5100 9655 (WhatsApp)


RS 195 Silver
Zohiko / Kyoto Lacquerware
Sanchai / Pottery Louyang
Hikibaku Gold/ Kyoto