Blue Resonator

A Revolutionary Art Statement

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A revolutionary Resonance design aimed to deliver a brand new audio experience, and to enhance an instrumental-like response via the Resonance Disc


  • Advanced circuity design, handcrafted to perfection 
  • Tight, natural even bass response from the conical down fire sub-woofer
  • Solid metallic chassis and spike legs for the perfect balance and stability
    Resonator Speakers are invented and designed by DBA Audio Limited
    Duet – Solid Copper
  • 楽器のようなレスポンスを高めるように設計されたメタリックレゾナンスディスク 
  • 完璧に手作りされた最先端のサーキットデザイン
  •  円錐形下向きウーファーから自然な低音レスポンス
  • 完璧なバランスと安定性のための頑丈な金属製機体シャーシとスパイク脚

    600 Active Resonators

    Design Awards

  • A & D Trophy Awards 2015
  • IDA Design Award 2017
  • HKDA Global Design Awards 2018  – Product Design Bronze Award 
  • GBA Cultural Creativity Design Competition 2020
  • China Ceramic Art Design Exhibition – Silver Award 2020
  • Goldreed Industrial Design Award 2021