DBA 的設計理念是打造一款具有獨特音色的揚聲器,這些音色源自各種共鳴材料。我們的“共振揚聲器”由鋁合金製成,利用各種共振材料的特性來獲得更多的聲學效果。它們所代表的創新是傳統金屬旋壓和木工車削方法的結合。我們所有揚聲器的基本形式都是一個錐形鋁製低音揚聲器,周圍環繞著一個由鋁、陶瓷、金屬合金或木材製成的共振盤。所有零件都是手工製作、拋光、陽極氧化和單獨調整的。我們正在申請專利的“共振盤”技術是傳統工藝和現代聲學設計的結合,產生類似樂器的響應,現在可作為高端揚聲器使用。通過在製造過程中結合傳統方法和工藝,Resonantor 揚聲器是客廳或工作室的理想選擇,也是營造安靜奢華感的物品。被譽為基於人體工程學的下一代極簡工業設計,我們的揚聲器在視覺上令人驚嘆且聲音不顯眼,我們相信它們會吸引對藝術有深刻鑑賞力的發燒友。我們相信,精緻的揚聲器設計應該能帶來視覺和聽覺上的愉悅。
The design philosophy of DBA is to create a speaker with a unique range of timbres derived from various resonating materials. Our “Resonantor Speakers” are made from aluminum alloy that utilizes the properties of various resonant materials for more acoustic effects. The innovation they represent is the combination of traditional metal spinning and woodturning methods. The basic form of all of our speakers is a conical aluminum woofer surrounded by a resonant disc made of aluminum, ceramics, metal alloys, or wood. All parts are hand-crafted, polished, anodized, and individually tuned. Our patent-pending “Resonance Disc” technology is the marriage of traditional craftsmanship and modern acoustic design, results in an instrument-like response, now available as a high-end speaker. By combing traditional methodology and craftsmanship in the manufacturing process, Resonantor Speakers are ideal for living rooms or Studios and as an item that creates a sense of quiet luxury. Hailed as the next-generation minimal industrial design, which is based on ergonomics, our speakers are visually stunning and sonically unobtrusive, and we are convinced that they will appeal to audiophiles with a deep appreciation of art. We believe that a sophisticated speaker design should bring joy both visually and sonically.
Resonator Speakers共振音箱
DBA Resonator Speakers is designed with an all-metallic enclosure using a full-range speaker and a down-fire woofer. Apart from the metallic enclosure, the front-facing “Resonance Disc” is a revolutionary and patent-pending design; this allows the innate timbre to be more audible by means of vibration of the signal source from the top full-range driver. As a result, the ‘sustain’ of the sound wave is prolonged, and this can be specially tested when high-frequency samples such as Tibetan singing bowl or Hand drums are tested. Simply put, this is an unprecedented feature in speaker design. This is also a high-end active speaker designed for home, studio, or lounge.
DBAレゾネータースピーカーは、フルレンジスピーカーとダウンファイアウーファーを使用したオールメタリックエンクロージャーで設計されています。 金属製の筐体とは別に、前面に面した「Resonance Disc」は、革新的で特許出願中のデザインです。 これにより、トップのフルレンジドライバーからの信号源の振動によって、生来の音色がより聞こえやすくなります。 その結果、音波の「持続」が長くなり、これは、チベットのシンギングボウルやハンドドラムなどの高周波サンプルをテストするときに特別にテストできます。 簡単に言えば、これはスピーカー設計の前例のない機能です。 これは、ホーム、スタジオ、またはラウンジ用に設計されたハイエンドアクティブスピーカーでもあります。
DBA Resonator 音箱采用全金属外壳设计,使用全频扬声器和下射式低音扬声器。除了金属外壳,正面的“共振盘”是一种革命性的正在申请专利的设计;这允许通过来自顶部全频驱动器的信号源的振动来更清晰地听到固有的音色。因此,声波的“延音”会被延长,这在测试藏族颂钵或手鼓等高频样本时尤其适用。简而言之,这是扬声器设计中前所未有的功能。这也是一款专为家庭、工作室或休息室设计的高端有源音箱。
Material Creativity
The patented Resonance Disc can be made from Aluminum, Copper, Wood, Ceramics. This Series has been well received by international collectors and exhibited at international galleries. DBA Limited is a specialized company focused in designing advanced audio speakers; this Award-winning series of is now available.
Market Scale
There has been a new uptake in Bluetooth speakers with the advent of BT version 5.0. Surprisingly, good sound with quality design are hard to get by. DBA has spent years on R&D and marketing in Japan and China. The supply is limited.
User Need
As mentioned, well-designed items are often collected by International buyers, galleries and museums. Its larger version Resonator 600 has been collected by Shaoxing Shangyu Advanced Institute of Ceramics紹興上虞陶瓷高等研究院 after winning the Silver Award in 2020.
Peer Competition
A multi-award-winning design coupled with years of research should be able to gather interest from Design driven buyers such as Architects, Designers, and Art Audiophiles. As this is a limited factory run (annual production will be around 100 pairs). Competition from peers will not interfere with the sales of DBA’s design especially the Cultural Heritage Edition with Kyoto Artisans.
Core Technology
【Resonance Disc】A patented innovation in sound engineering which transduces DIRECT waves and RESONANCE waves into a new sonic experience. Various materials can produce different timbre in our Resonator Speaker design, This is an original invention.
【Industrial Iconic Design】 Dubbed as a retro-futuristic design; this impressive iconic design with a wide 26-inch disc supported by a balanced structure Conical down-facing woofer has emerged as a Sculptural Art Statement.
【Advanced Wireless Technology】 Active Proprietary designed HD aptX, Built-in RMS 60 watts stereo amplifier. External Adaptor.
获得专利的共振盘可以由铝、铜、木材、陶瓷制成。该系列受到国际收藏家的好评,并在国际画廊展出。 DBA Limited 是一家专注于设计高级音频扬声器的专业公司;这个屡获殊荣的系列现已上市。
随着 BT 5.0 版的出现,蓝牙扬声器有了新的发展。然而,好的声音和高质量的设计是很难做到的。 DBA 多年来一直在日本和中国从事研发和营销工作。供应有限。
如前所述,精心设计的物品经常被国际买家、画廊和博物馆收藏。其放大版Resonator 600在2020年获得银奖后,被绍兴上虞陶瓷高等研究院收藏。
屡获殊荣的设计加上多年的研究,应该能够吸引建筑师、设计师和艺术发烧友等设计驱动型买家的兴趣。由于这是一个有限的工厂运行(年产量约为 100 双)。来自同行的竞争不会干扰 DBA 设计的销售,尤其是与京都工匠合作的文化遗产版。
【共振圆盤】 聲音工程的專利創新,將 DIRECT 波和 RESONANT 波轉換為新的聲音體驗。 在我們的 Resonator Speaker 設計中,各材料可以產生不同的音色,這是一項原創發明。
【工業標誌性設計】被譽為複古未來派設計; 這種令人印象深刻的標誌性設計帶有 26 英寸寬圓盤,由平衡結構的錐形向下低音揚聲器支撐,已成為雕塑藝術的宣言。
【先进的无线技术】 有源专有设计的 HD aptX,内置 RMS 60 瓦立体声放大器。外部适配器。
Collaboration – Kyoto Hikibaku 京都引箔
Hikibaku is a yarn of Japanese paper, it is used as a material in Kyoto Nishijin西陣織 brand heritage textiles. Sometimes called “The Colors of Kyoto”, dated more than 300 years ago, Hikibaku is created by finely cutting washi paper that has gold, silver, and other metals glued using lacquer which can express a variety of colors used in Kimono Obi design. The art of Hikibaku creates an abstract painting with depth and splendor by making full use of metallic foil materials and lacquer.
Hikibaku是日本纸的纱线,它被用作京都西阵织品牌遗产纺织品的材料。有时被称为“京都的色彩”,距今已有 300 多年的历史,Hikibaku 是通过精细切割将金、银和其他金属用漆粘在一起的和纸制成的,漆可以表现出和服带设计中使用的各种颜色。 Hikibaku的艺术充分利用金属箔材料和漆器,创造出具有深度和辉煌的抽象绘画。
Sahari Orin佐波 理 お り ん
The art of “Sahari” which is an alloy of tin, copper has been imported to Japan 1300 years ago. Starting from the Edo period (1603-1868) Buddhist altars (so-called “Butsudan”) became common in almost every household in Japan. Every “butsudan” included a singing bowl – “Orin”. It was believed that by making the orin chime one can communicate with Buddha and “Stop the evil, purify the place and banish the demons”. “Sahari” stands for an alloy of copper and tin, but only alloys with a very high ratio of tin are considered true “Sahari”, created by a technique known since 1843. Only one item can be created of a single mold and 180 different techniques are involved, which makes manufacturing of “Sahari” a time-consuming and tedious process. With the crucial contribution of Kazuya Nanjo, one of Japan’s prominent masters of Orin making, who uses the techniques of his forefathers since 1839 in Kyoto. The tradition transferred through generations brings us the authentic sound that is able to calm down the heart and heal the soul. The sound of orin becomes even better as time passes by.
Collaborative Project: Kazuya Nanjo
DBA AUDIOのデザイン哲学は、レコードを自然な音のスピーカーで生成するように、様々な材料を用いて生来の材料が持つ共鳴を利用することです。基本的な設計および構造はアルミニウムやファイバーガラスを用いた円錐形ベースのウーファーと、アルミニウムや陶器、金属合金、木製で出来た180度の共振ディスクに基づいています。すべてのパーツ部品は手で溶接され、磨かれ、アルマイト処理され、そして個別に調整されています。革新的なアイデアでは、伝統的な金属絞り加工と木材旋削加工の組み合わせを用いています。
■特許出願中の”共振ディスク”による革新的なスピーカー「Resonant Speakers」は、伝統的な金属絞りとアルミ旋盤の職人技を用いた機能性と、デザイン性を併せ持つハイクオリティなスピーカーとして販売開始しました。
■ 未来的デザイン
「Resonantor Speakers 」は素材の特性を音響効果に活かした、ナチュラルなサウンドの再生が可能なアルミ製ホーン型スピーカーです。 製造工程に伝統的な金属絞りとアルミ旋盤の職人技を用いることで、機能性と意匠性いずれともに高いクオリティを実現しました。リビングルームのインテリアとして、高級感を演出するアイテムとして最適です。
■ ミニマリスト・インダストリアル
人間工学のパラダイムに基づいた「次世代」のミニマルデザインは非常に視覚的に魅力的かつ控えめで、自己表現の可能性を広げていくと確信しています。 洗練されたデザインの製品は、私たちの日常生活に小さな幸せと新しい経験をもたらすはずです。
■DBA Audio は、2011年 によって設立されました。ハイエンドスピーカーで大胆かつ革新的なデザイがメインの特徴です。また、国際的なイベント活動として、スペインバルセロナ音楽祭ソナーフェスティバルのパートナー認定もされています。2018年には、伝統的な京都で300年続く引箔の技法を取り入れた新作スピーカーが文化芸術作品として発表され、米国、フランス、英国のオーナーに購入されました。 DBA Audio は オーディオ・ラウドスピーカー、ワイヤレスオーディオテクノロジー、プライベートサウンドルーム、アーティスティックコラボレーションに焦点を当てた革新的なサウンドエンジニアリング企業です。
new …11-19
By combing traditional methodology and craftsmanship in the manufacturing process, Resonantor Speakers are ideal for living rooms or Studios and as an item that creates a sense of quiet luxury. Hailed as the next-generation minimal industrial design, which is based on ergonomics, our speakers are visually stunning and sonically unobtrusive, and we are convinced that they will appeal to audiophiles with a deep appreciation of art. We believe that a sophisticated speaker design should bring joy both visually and sonically.”
DBA Audio Limited
【Resonance Disc】An innovation in sound which transduces DIRECT waves and RESONANCE waves simultaneously creating a new audio experience. Various materials can produce different timbre in our Resonator Speaker design, this is an invention in sound engineering based on material creativity.
【Advanced Audio Technology】 Active circuitry design, built-in BT High Definition RMS 50 watt stereo amplifier.